Universities Act, 2005
Signed this 4th day of March, 2005
Being an Act to reconstitute the University of Sierra Leone, to establish the Njala University, to provide for the establishment of other public universities and private universities and to provide for other related matters.
Enacted by the President and Members of Parliament in this present Parliament assembled.
Supplement to the Sierra Leone Gazette Vol. CXXXVI, No. 11 dated 10th March, 2005
1. Commencement.
2. Interpretation.
3. Establishment of certain universities.
4. Incorporation of University.
5. Common seal.
6. Retention and transfer of property, etc.
7. Capacity of two Universities.
8. Members of University.
9. Functions of University.
10. Powers of University.
11. University authorities.
12. Chancellor of University.
13. Duties of Chancellor.
14. Pro Chancellor of University.
15. Vice-Chancellor and Principal.
16. Pro Vice-Chancellor.
17. Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
18. Registrar of University.
19. Finance Director.
20. Court.
21. Court may appoint visitors, etc.
22. Committees of Court.
23. Senate.
24. Meetings of Senate.
25. Powers of Senate.
26. Registry of University.
27. Staff of University.
28. Staff associations.
29. Campus Registry and Finance Office.
30. Other staff of Campuses.
31. Campus Standing Committee.
32. Funds of University.
33. Fund-raising by University.
34. Accounts and audit.
35. Convocation.
36. Congregation.
37. Statutes of University.
38. Regulations.
39. Standing Orders.
40. Miscellaneous powers.
41. University Co-ordinating Committee.
42. Establishment of other Universities by Minister.
43. Establishment of private universities.
44. Application of Act to private university.
45. Repeal of Act No. 18 of 1964 and Act No.22 of 1972.
1. This Act shall come into operation on such date as may be fixed by statutory instrument made by the Minister.
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-
"academic staff" means all persons holding appointments as the case may be as professors, associate professors, senior lecturers, lecturers, assistant lecturers or teaching and research assistants of the University or in other posts so designated by the Senate;
"Campus" means any of the constituent institutions of a University specified in the First Schedule and referred to in subsection (2) of section 3;
"Court" means the Court of a University established under section 20 as the highest administrative authority of the University;
"distinction" means any academic award granted by a University with the approval of the Court;
"extension" in relation to work, means work done by a University outside its walls;
"faculty" includes a School of the University;
"graduate" means a person to whom a degree has been awarded by a University;
"Minister" means the Minister responsible for matters of tertiary education;
"Senate" means the Senate of a University established under section 23 as the highest academic authority of the University;
"special resolution" means a resolution-
(a) passed by the votes of not less than three fourths of the members of the Court present and voting at a meeting of which notice setting out the general nature of the business to be transacted, has been given to the members of the Court not less than twenty-one days before the meeting; and
(b) confirmed by a like majority at a subsequent meeting of which like notice has been given held in not less than one and not more than three calendar months after the meeting mentioned in paragraph (a);
"Statutes" means the Statutes of the University contained in the Second Schedule;
"Tertiary Education Commission" or "Commission" means the Commission established by the Tertiary Education Commission Act, 2001;
"University" means a University established by section 3 and includes any other University established under section 42.
3. (1) There are hereby established two universities to be known respectively as-
(a) the University of Sierra Leone; and
(b) the Njala University;
consisting of the institutions specified in the First Schedule in relation to each university.
(2) Each institution specified in the First Schedule in relation to the University of Sierra Leone or, as the case may be, to the Njala University, shall constitute a Campus of the respective University, and any other institution stated in that Schedule as constituting or incorporated with the institution concerned, shall cease to exist in its former name.
(3) A University shall not be liable for anything, whether the transfer of any course of study from it to another or from one of its Campuses to another, arising from subsection (1) or (2).
4. Each University shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and power to acquire, hold and dispose of property, whether movable or immovable, to enter into contracts, to sue and be sued in its corporate name and, subject to this Act, to do all tilings which a body corporate may lawfully do.
5. Each University shall have a common seal, for which the Court shall be responsible and for the use of which the Court shall also make provision accordingly.
6. (1) All property and other assets held immediately before the commencement of this Act by each of the institutions specified under the University of Sierra Leone and the Njala University respectively in the First Schedule shall continue to be held by each of them for their use but the liabilities attaching thereto shall vest respectively in the University of Sierra Leone and the Njala University.
(2) All assets and liabilities held by the University of Sierra Leone under the University of Sierra Leone Act, 1972 immediately before the commencement of this Act, shall be shared equally between the University of Sierra Leone and Njala University as established by this Act, under the supervision of the Tertiary Education Commission.
7. Each of the two Universities established by this Act shall exercise only the powers conferred hereby.
8. The members of each University shall be the following: -
(a) the Chancellor;
(b) the Pro Chancellor;
(c) the Vice-Chancellor and Principal;
(d) the Pro Vice-Chancellor;
(e) the Deputy Vice-Chancellor;
(f) the Court;
(g) the Senate;
(h) the academic staff;
(i) all senior officers of the University; (j) all graduates;
(k) the Convocation;
(1) the Congregation.
9. (1) The object for which each University is established is teaching, research, serving as an examining body and the provision of professional, community as well as commercial services.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), it shall be the function of each University to-
(a) provide instruction in such branches of learning as it may think fit and make provision for research and for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in such manner as may be determined by it;
(b) provide the appropriate manpower needs, consistent with the overall socio-economic aims and aspirations of the country;
(c) provide, as may be determined by it, external or extension services for persons who are not regularly enrolled in the University;
(d) grant degrees, diplomas and certificates and such other awards as the University may determine;
(e) preserve academic freedom and avoid discrimination in teaching and research, in the admission of students, the appointment of staff and in the granting of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other awards:
Provided that it shall be lawful for the University to charge different fees for the admission of citizens and non-citizens;
(f) preserve, enrich and assist in the development of the economy and welfare of Sierra Leone, in particular, and humanity in general, holding out the benefits of its endeavours to all nations without discrimination;
(g) do all acts or tilings as are conducive to the attainment of the object stated in subsection (1).
(3) In this section "discrimination" means different treatment to different persons attributable wholly or mainly to their respective descriptions by race, tribe, place of origin, sex, political opinions, colour, creed or disablement.
10. For the purposes of its functions under this Act, each University shall have power, subject to this Act, to-
(a) award the degrees of bachelor, masters, doctor or any such other degrees to persons who have undertaken and completed courses of study provided by the University;
(b) award honorary degrees to and confer other distinctions on persons approved by the University as having rendered distinguished services in the advancement of any branch of learning or who have otherwise rendered themselves worthy of such degrees;
(c) grant diplomas and certificates to persons who, in the opinion of the Senate, are entitled to receive them;
(d) deprive any persons of any degree awarded or other distinction conferred on him and revoke any diplomas or certificates or other award granted or conferred if the person concerned is, in the opinion of the Court, guilty of a crime or conduct which is dishonourable or scandalous; and it may restore any degree or distinction deprived, if it considers that that will be proper;
(e) establish professorships, associate professorships, senior lectureships, lectureships and any other such posts therefor;
(f) establish such administrative posts as may be required by the University and appoint persons thereto;
(g) co-operate with any other University or educational authorities on such matters and for such purposes as may be determined from time to time by the University;
(h) admit students for courses of study in the University;
(i) provide for the printing and publication of research and other works which may be issued by the University;
(j) establish a Board of Trustees in which shall vest all the proprietary interests of the University and its Campuses and which shall also act as a trustee of any property, endowment or gift for the purposes of education or research or otherwise in furtherance of the work or the welfare of the University and invest any funds representing the foregoing in accordance with the Statutes.
11. The authorities of each of the Universities shall beta) the Vice-Chancellor and Principal;
(b) the Pro Vice-Chancellor;
(c) the Deputy Vice-Chancellor;
(d) the Court;
(e) the Senate.
12. Each University shall have a Chancellor who shall be the President of Sierra Leone.
13. (1) The Chancellor who shall be the head of every University, other than a private university-
(a) shall have power-
(i) to visit each University as and when necessary or expedient;
(ii) to confer the degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic awards of the University;
(b) shall be Chairman of the Convocation and of the University on all ceremonial occasions.
(2) If the office of the Chancellor is vacant or, if for any reason, he is unable to perform the duties of that office then, until a Chancellor has been appointed or until the one holding that office has resumed his duties, as the case may be, those duties shall be performed by the Pro Chancellor, except that of the congregation process, including the conferring of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic awards which shall be performed by the Vice-President or the Vice-Chancellor and Principal.
14. Each University shall have a Pro Chancellor who-
(a) shall be appointed by the Chancellor, on the advice of the Minister, from among respectable senior citizens of proven experience and sound academic and administrative distinction; and
(b) shall be Chairman of the Court with responsibility for other duties in addition to the chairmanship of the Court, as may be determined by the Court.
15. (1) Each University shall have a Vice-Chancellor and Principal who shall be a person of high academic and administrative distinction and of the rank of a professor from a recognised university, or of high academic distinction, proven managerial skills and ability
to mobilize and generate resources for the University, appointed by the Chancellor on the advice of the Minister, based on the recommendation of the Court through a joint search committee of the Court of the respective University and the Tertiary Education Commission, under such terms and conditions as the Court may determine.
(2) The first Vice-Chancellor who shall have the qualifications referred to in subsection (1), shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the advice of the Minister, after consultation with the Tertiary Education Commission and under such terms and conditions as the Court may determine.
(3) The Vice-Chancellor and Principal-
(a) shall be the chief academic and administrative officer of the University and shall be responsible generally to the Court and the Senate for maintaining and promoting the efficiency of the University and shall present an annual report on those matters to the Court;
(b) shall be the vote controller of the University and shall be co-signatory with the Finance Director of the University to all withdrawals from the University's bank accounts, excluding campus accounts;
(c) shall cooperate with the Tertiary Education Commission on matters pertaining to that Commission's responsibility towards the University.
(4) The Vice-Chancellor and Principal shall hold office for an initial term of four years, subject to a mid term review as to his ability to continue, and shall, upon completion of the initial term, be eligible for reappointment for a second four year term only.
(5) If the office of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal is vacant or, if for any reason, he is unable to perform the duties of that
office then, those duties shall be performed by the Pro Vice-Chancellor and in the absence of both of them, the Court shall appoint one other professor to perform the functions of Vice-Chancellor and Principal.
16. (1) There shall be a Pro Vice-Chancellor who shall be appointed by the Court from among the Deputy Vice-Chancellors of the University.
(2) The Pro Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for two years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for a further term of two years only.
17. (1) Each Campus shall have a Deputy Vice-Chancellor who shall be appointed in accordance with the Statutes from among persons who are not below the rank of associate professor from a recognised university and who must have held a senior administrative or academic position in a university or other tertiary education institution for at least five years.
(2) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall-
(a) hold office for two years in the first instance, and shall be eligible for reappointment for a further term of two years only; and
(b) subject to the general control and direction of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, be the chief academic, administrative and accounting officer of his Campus, and shall, in addition, continue to perform his academic functions.
(3) Where no candidate of the rank referred to in subsection (1) exists, persons who have held a senior academic position not below the rank of senior lecturer or its equivalent in a university or other tertiary education institution for at least five years together with such administrative experience as may be determined by the Court, shall be eligible for appointment and may carry the title either of Dean of Campus, Provost or any other title approved by the Court and shall perform the duties of Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
(4) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (2), the Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall be responsible for the following:-
(a) supervision of teaching, research and community activities of Deans of Faculties, Heads of Departments within his Campus, under the direction of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal;
(b) campus security;
(c) student welfare, including the enforcement of the rules binding the conduct of students;
(d) the provision of medical services; and
(e) any other duties assigned to him by the Vice-Chancellor and Principal.
18. Each University shall have a Registrar who shall be appointed by the Court, and who, under the supervision of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal-
(a) shall be -
(i) the principal adviser to the Vice-Chancellor and Principal on administrative matters;
(ii) responsible for the conduct of the administrative business of the University other than that assigned to the Court;
(iii) Secretary to the Court and to the Senate;
(iv) subject to section 5, the custodian of the University seal, and
(b) shall, subject to this Act, perform such other duties as shall be prescribed by the Statutes.
19. Each University shall have a Finance Director, who shall be appointed by the Court and who, under the supervision of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, shall-
(a) administer the university funds in accordance with such financial management policy as may be prescribed by the University;
(b) prepare the annual budget and financial report to be submitted to the Court by the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, and
(c) advise the Vice-Chancellor and Principal on all financial matters.
20. (1) Each University shall have a Court which shall be constituted in accordance with the Statutes and chaired by the Pro Chancellor.
(2) The Court shall be the highest administrative authority of the University to which the Vice-Chancellor and Principal shall report annually concerning the working of the University.
(3) Subject to this Act and the Statutes, the Court shall exercise all the powers and authority of the University, except on purely academic matters for which it shall receive recommendations from the Senate and any other body established by law for the purpose.
21. The Court may, in addition to the functions conferred by the Statutes-
(a) appoint persons to visit any Campus of the University with powers to inspect and report thereon; and
(b) make and discuss proposals for the promotion of higher education in Sierra Leone.
22. (1) The Court may appoint any number of persons, whether members of the Court or not, who may be willing to act as members of any committee, to advise it on any matter within the competence of the Court.
(2) In addition to the committee referred to in subsection (1), the Court shall also have an executive committee which shall be constituted in accordance with the Statutes.
23. Each University shall have a Senate which shall be constituted in accordance with the Statutes and which shall be the highest authority of the University on all academic matters.
24. (1) The Vice-Chancellor and Principal or, in his absence, the Pro Vice-Chancellor shall preside at meetings of the Senate.
(2) If for any meeting of the Senate, the Vice-Chancellor and Principal and Pro Vice-Chancellor are absent, a Deputy Vice-Chancellor shall preside.
(3) In the absence, however, of all the officers referred to in subsections (1) and (2), the members shall appoint a Chairman from among themselves, preferably, not below the rank of associate professor.
25. (1) The Senate shall have powers to-(a)
determine the minimum matriculation requirements for admission to the University of students pursuing degree courses and to approve the proposals of the Campuses with regard to the entry requirements of other students;
(b) present to the Chancellor candidates for degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic awards of the University;
(c) discuss any matter relating to the University and to report its findings on the academic implications to the Court, and
(d) recommend to the Court what faculties, institutes and courses of studies should be established and where they should be located.
(2) The Senate may appoint any number of persons, whether members of Senate or not, who may be willing to act as members of any committee, to advise it on any matter within its competence.
(3) In addition to the committee referred to in subsection (2), the Senate shall also have an executive committee which shall be constituted in accordance with the Statutes.
26. (1) Each University shall have a Registry which shall be headed by the Registrar.
(2) Subject to this Act, the Registry shall be responsible for the administration of the University and shall be run at the direction of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal.
27. All academic and senior administrative staff of the Campuses and of the Registry shall be regarded as employees of the University and shall be deployed by the University where and when required.
28. (1) The staff of the University shall be bound by the terms and conditions of service negotiated by the appropriate staff associations or other negotiating bodies and the University authorities and approved by the Court.
(2) Where the negotiating bodies mentioned in subsection (1) fail to agree on the terms and conditions of service for any category of staff, an arbitration committee shall be constituted consisting of three persons, one each nominated by the negotiating body and the University and the third nominated by the Minister responsible for labour relations and agreed to by both parties.
(3) The decision of the arbitration committee shall be final.
29. (1) Each Campus shall have a Registry to be headed by a Deputy Registrar as provided in the Statutes.
(2) Each Campus shall have a Finance Office to be headed by a Deputy Finance Director or a Senior Assistant Finance Officer as provided in the Statutes.
30. A Campus may appoint, in accordance with the Statutes and subject to the approval of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, such other staff in addition to those referred to in section 27 as it may require for the efficient performance of its functions.
31. Each Campus shall have a Standing Committee constituted in accordance with, and to carry out such functions as provided in the Statutes.
32. The funds of each University shall be derived from-
(a) moneys appropriated by law for the purposes of the University;
(b) income earned by the University;
(c) tuition fees, and
(d) grants or gifts from any person or authority.
33. A University may seek and procure contributions to its funds and may lawfully raise moneys from any source as it may deem expedient.
34. (1) Each University shall keep proper books of accounts and proper records in relation thereto and the books of accounts and records shall be in such form as the Auditor-General may approve.
(2) The books of accounts and the related records of the University shall be audited each year by the Auditor-General or an auditor appointed by him and the report of the audit shall, pursuant to section 119 of the Constitution of Sierra Leone, be submitted to Parliament.
(3) A copy of the audited accounts of the University forming part of an annual report shall be submitted to the Tertiary
Education Commission by the Vice-Chancellor and Principal for its information.
35. There shall be a Convocation of each University which shall be constituted and held in accordance with the Statutes.
36. There shall be a Congregation of the University, which shall be constituted and held in accordance with the Statutes.
37. (1) The Court may, either on its own accord or on the recommendation of the Senate, by special resolution, amend or add to the Statutes by statutory instrument, but the decision to amend or add to the Statutes shall be by special resolution of the Court.
(2) Any amendment or addition to a Statute affecting or relating to the status or constitution of an authority of the University shall not be made by the Court until it has obtained and considered the views of that authority on the amendment or addition, which shall not come into effect until it has received the concurrence of the Tertiary Education Commission.
(3) Pursuant to subsection (1), the Court may provide for the regulation of any matter which the Court is empowered to regulate by this Act but may, without prejudice to the generality of that power, make provision for-
(a) the election, appointment and continuance in office of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, the Pro-Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and other officers of the University; and
(b) the constitution, functions, duties and business of the Court, Senate, Convocation and Congregation and the election and continuance in office of the Chairman and other members of those bodies and other matters relating to them.
38. Subject to this Act and the Statutes, the Senate may by statutory instrument make regulations relating to teaching, courses
of study, the award of degrees, diplomas and other distinctions, the conduct of examinations, conditions under which students shall be permitted to continue their studies in the University, academic dress, and to such other matters as it considers necessary or desirable for the purpose of carrying out the objects of the University.
39. The Court and the Senate may each make Standing Orders for the internal regulation of the conduct of their respective functions.
40. It shall be the duty of the Court to refer to the Senate any matter coming before it which it considers to be of an academic nature and the Senate shall also bring before the Court any matter coming before it which it considers to have financial implications or in any way might affect the general well being of the University or its relationship with persons or bodies outside the University.
41. (1) There shall be a University Co-ordinating Committee in each University entrusted with the responsibilities of co-ordinating the day-to-day administrative and financial operations of the University.
(2) The Committee referred to in subsection (1) shall consist of the following:-
(a) |
Vice Chancellor and Principal as Chairman; |
(b) |
Pro Vice-Chancellor; |
(c) |
Deputy Vice-Chancellors; |
(d) |
Registrar; |
(e) |
Deputy Registrar on each Campus; |
(f) |
Finance Director; |
(g) |
Deputy Finance Director or Senior Assistant |
Finance Officer on each Campus; |
(h) a representative of the Academic Staff Association.
42. (1) The Minister, after consultation with the Minister responsible for finance and acting on the advice of the Tertiary Education Commission may by statutory instrument, establish a new university in Sierra Leone, and may amend the First Schedule for that purpose; and the provisions of this Act, shall, with the necessary modifications, apply to such university.
(2) A university established under subsection (1) shall have a Chancellor who shall be the head of the University appointed by the President, on the advice of the Minister, from among respectable senior citizens of proven experience and sound academic and administrative distinction.
43. (1) Any person may, with the approval of the Minister, acting on the advice of the Tertiary Education Commission, establish a private university in Sierra Leone to be run as a company limited by guarantee.
(2) The Tertiary Education Commission hereinafter referred to as "the Commission" may advise the establishment of a private university for the approval of the Minister if-
(a) the objects of the proposed university are consistent with the objects stated in section 10 of the Education Act, 2004;
(b) the promoters have adequate resources for the operation of the proposed university;
(c) it is in the public interest that the university be established.
(3) Any person wishing to establish a private university shall apply to the Commission with the particulars of the company referred to in subsection (1) and a business plan showing the objects of the company as a university and the resources available for its operation.
(4) After receiving the application the Commission shall within sixty days, advise the establishment of the private university where it is satisfied that the application is in compliance with subsection (2), but shall otherwise refuse to advise the establishment, stating its reasons to the applicants.
(5) The Commission may, in giving its reasons under subsection (4), recommend to the applicant such corrective or remedial measures which when taken with regard to the application may enable the Commission to reverse its decision.
(6) An applicant who is aggrieved by the refusal of the Commission to grant his application, may appeal to the Minister and thereafter to the High Court.
(7) An institution in respect of which an application has been rejected under this Act shall not operate as a university.
44. The provisions of this Act, except sections 3,4, 5, 32, and 34, shall, with the necessary modifications, apply to any private university established under section 43.
45. (1) The following Acts are repealed:-
(a) Njala University College Act, 1964; and
(b) University of Sierra Leone Act, 1972.
(2) Notwithstanding the repeals effected by subsection (1), any Statutes. Regulations or Standing Orders made under any of the repealed enactments and in force immediately before the commencement of this Act, shall remain in force until revoked under this Act.
FIRST SCHEDULE (Section 3 (1))
1. University of Sierra Leone
2. Njala University
(1) Fourah Bay College.
(2) College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences, incorporating the Nursing Education Centre (National School of Nursing) and the Pharmacy Technicians School.
(3) Institute of Public Administration and Management.
(4) Any other institution that may, on the advice of the Tertiary Education Commission, be constituted, as a Campus by statutory instrument made by the Minister.
(1) Njala University College.
(2) Bo Campus, consisting of Bo Teachers' College and School of Health Sciences, constituted from the School of Hygiene and Paramedical School
(3) Bonthe Technical Institute as an affiliate institution.
(4) Any other institution that may, on the advice of the Tertiary Education Commission, be constituted, as a Campus by statutory instrument made by the Minister.
1. In these Statutes, unless the context otherwise requires-
'academic staff' means the professors, associate professors or readers, senior lecturers, lecturers, assistant lecturers and any other officers of the university with teaching or research duties therein and the campus Librarians and senior library staff;
'Act' means the Universities Act, 2004;
'Campus' has the same meaning as in the Act;
' Chief Guest" means the Minister of Education invited by the University to witness the proceedings of Convocation;
'department' means a department of a University;
'faculty' means a Faculty or School of a University;
'honorary graduate' means a person to whom an honorary degree of the University lias been granted;
'Librarian' means a person holding such an office in the University;
'professor', 'associate professor' 'senior lecturer,' 'lecturer', or 'assistant lecturer', means, unless otherwise stated, a professor, associate professor, senior lecturer, lecturer, assistant lecturer in the University;
"senior administrative staff" means the Registrar, Finance Director, Estate Officer and University Architect, the medical officers, and their deputies and assistants, including administrative assistants;
"senior members of staff' means members of the academic staff and senior administrative staff of the University and such other officers appointed by the University as the Court shall so designate;
"University" means a University established by section 3 or any other University established under section 42 of the Act.
2. The Court of each of the Universities shall be composed of the following members:-
CLASSI Ex-Officio Members-
(a) Chancellor
(b) Pro-Chancellor
(c) Vice- Chancellor and Principal
(d) Pro Vice-Chancellor
(e) Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
(a) Eight representatives of the Senate
(b) One representative of the Tertiary Education Commission
(c) Director-General (Education), Ministry of Education, Science and Technology or his representative
(d) Director-General, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security or his representative
(e) Director-General, Ministry of Health and Sanitation or his representative
(f) One representative of Principals of Senior Secondary Schools
(g) One representative of the National Council for Technical, Vocational and other Awards
(h) One representative each of the Provinces and the Western Area nominated by the Minister of Education
(i) Two other persons nominated by the Minister
(j) One representative of the Academic Staff Associations of the University
(k) One representative of the Administrative Staff Associations of the University
(I) One representative of the Intermediate and Junior Staff Associations of the University
(m) One Student representative from the Students' Associations of the University
(n) a Principal representing the Polytechnics which are affiliated to the University.
3. Elected and appointed members of the Court shall hold office for three years and shall be eligible for re-election or reappointment.
4. (1) The Court shall meet at least twice a year at such place and time as it may determine, except that the first meeting shall be held at such place and time as the Chancellor shall direct.
(2) Minutes shall be kept of all resolutions passed and of all business done at each meeting of the Court.
(3) One-third of the membership of the Court shall form a
5. The Court may prescribe the delegation of any of its powers to the Executive Committee of the Court which shall be composed of the following members:-
(a) Pro-Chancellor who shall be Chairman;
(b) Vice- Chancellor and Principal;
(c) Pro Vice-Chancellor;
(d) Deputy Vice-Chancellor;
(e) Four representatives of the Senate who are Court members;
(f) Four other members of the Court not being staff of the University, appointed by the Court.
6. Subject to the Act and these Statutes, and consistent with the Tertiary Education Commission Act 2001, the powers and ' functions of the Court shall be to-
(a) oversee the administration and management of the finances, accounts, investments, endowment funds and property of the University, including those properties which are held in trust on behalf of the University by the University Board of Trustees and all the business and affairs of the University;
(b) approve and monitor any investment of monies belonging to the University or held in trust by the University Board of Trustees as it shall from time to time think fit;
(c) authorise the borrowing of money from time to time on behalf of the University for any approved purpose and to provide such security as may be necessary;
(d) authorise the making, varying, carrying out or cancelling of contracts on behalf of the University;
(e) give guarantees for the payment of any sums of money on the performance of any contract or obligation by any company, body, society or person if the Court thinks it is in the interest of the University to do so;
(f) provide and maintain the buildings, premises, library, laboratories, museums, gardens, furniture, apparatus and other facilities required for the discharge of the functions of the University alone or in cooperation with the Board of Trustees of the University;
(g) authorise the establishment of all posts other than those created in the Act and these Statutes in the University, to appoint to all posts so established and to determine the normal place of work of all members of staff so appointed;
(h) establish salary scales for all persons employed by the University and to determine the terms and conditions of service of such persons, and to enter into contracts, which specify the salary scales, terms and conditions of service with each person appointed to the staff of the University.
(i) subject to the National Social Security and Insurance Act, 2001, make provision for schemes of superannuation, pensions.
gratuities or retirement benefits for all salaried officers or their dependants and so far as the Court may think fit, for other employees of the University or their dependants;
(j) suspend or abolish any post in the University other than those created in the Act or these Statutes;
(k) employ, remunerate and receive the advice of any person qualified to advise on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Court;
(1) establish joint committees of the Court and Senate to which the Court may appoint members of the Court and members of the Senate, to define the powers and to determine the membership and quorum of such joint committees, and to delegate to any such joint committee any function which the Court itself is competent to perform;
(m) admit to membership of any j oint committee of the Court and Senate representatives of the student body to be appointed in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed;
(n) establish a joint committee of the Court and representatives of the student body;
(o) on the recommendation of the Senate, to-
(i) institute new degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic awards, to prescribe regulations appertaining thereto, and to amend or add to existing regulations relating to existing degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic awards.
(ii) regulate the courses of study, the manner of teaching, the length of the academic session or sessions and the manner of conducting examinations;
(iii) determine the number and type of honorary degrees to be awarded in each session, and the names of the recipients;
(iv) regulate and alter the constitution, name and number of faculties and schools, to discontinue any faculty, institute or school and to create new faculties, institutes and schools;
(v) appoint and determine the remuneration of external examiners;
(p) regulate the amount of the payment and appropriation of fees and other payments made by students;
(q) prescribe by standing orders or otherwise to decide such matters as are not dealt with in the Act and Statutes as the Court may think fit, to prescribe by standing orders or otherwise to decide.
7. (1) The Senate shall be composed of the following members:-
(a) Vice-Chancellor and Principal who shall be Chairman;
(b) Pro Vice-Chancellor;
(c) Deputy Vice-Chancellors;
(d) Directors of institutes and schools established by the University;
(e) Deans of faculties;
(f) Heads of departments;
(g) all members of professorial status in the University;
(h) all Librarians of the Campuses;
(i) one academic staff member elected by each Faculty of the University.
(2) Elected members shall hold office for a period of two years and shall be eligible for re-election, but no elected member shall hold office for more than three consecutive periods.
(3) The Senate may prescribe the delegation of any of its powers to the Executive Committee of Senate, which shall be composed of the following members:-
(a) Vice-Chancellor and Principal who shall be Chairman;
(b) Pro Vice-Chancellor;
(c) Deputy Vice-Chancellors;
(d) Deans of faculties of the University;
(e) Two members of the Senate appointed by the Senate.
8. (1) The Senate shall meet at least once a term or semester, and at any other time, at the request of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, or of one-fourth of its members.
(2) Minutes shall be kept of all resolutions passed and of all business done at each meeting of the Senate.
(3) One-third of the membership of the Senate shall form
a quorum.
9. Subject to the Act, the powers of the Senate shall include the following:-
(a) to regulate and superintend all the instruction and teaching within the University and the examinations pertaining thereto;
(b) to regulate the admission of persons to the University and to courses of study in the University, through centralized admission;
(c) to regulate and control the conditions qualifying students for matriculation and for admission to the various degrees and other awards offered by the University;
(d) to authorise the granting of degrees (except honorary degrees), diplomas, certificates and other academic awards offered by the University to persons who shall satisfy the conditions for awards thereof as prescribed in these Statutes;
(e) to promote research in the University and to require from time to time reports on such research;
(f) to be generally responsible for the administration of the College or campus libraries;
(g) to promote and administer the extension or extra-mural work of the University;
(h) subject to these Statutes-
(i) by Rules made thereunder to regulate and superintend the discipline of students;
(ii) to refuse, without assigning any reasons, to admit any person as a student of the University;
(iii) to take such steps as it thinks fit for the supervision of organizations of students;
(iv) to receive reports of faculties and academic matters, including physical facilities and student members;
(i) to receive reports on the annual accounts of
the faculties;
(j) to make recommendations to the Court for -
(i) the funding of new and abolition of existing professorships;
(ii) the establishment, suspension or abolition of any academic or other posts in the University other than a post created by the Act and these Statutes
(iii) instituting new degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic awards, prescribing the regulations thereof and for adding to or otherwise amending regulations for existing degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic awards;
(iv) establishing new courses of study, and regulating and altering existing courses of study, the manner of teaching, the length of the academic session or sessions and the manner of conducting examinations;
(v) regulating the appointment and number of external examiners;
(vi) in accordance with section 25 (1) (d) of the Act, regulating and altering the
constitution and location of faculties, institutes and schools of the University and for discontinuing any of those existing and creating new faculties, institutes and schools of the University; subject to the provisions of the Tertiary Education Commission Act, 2001;
(vii) pursuant to section 25 (l)(c) of the Act, reporting its decisions or recommendations to the Court on any academic matter whatsoever and on any matter referred to it by the Court and on any matter whatsoever relating to the University;
(viii) the academic dresses to be worn by officers and members of the University and the occasions on which they shall be worn;
(k) pursuant to section 25 (2) of the Act -
(i) appointing committees of its own number or other persons and subject to these Statutes, to delegate powers and business to and to determine the membership and quorum of such committees;
(ii) appointing members of the Senate as its representatives on joint committees of the Court and Senate and subject to these Statutes, to delegate to any such joint committee any power or function of the Senate;
(iii) establishing a joint committee of the Senate and representatives of the student body to be known as the STAFF-STUDENT COMMITTEE.
(1) (i) delegating powers and business to any other or all of the faculties;
(ii) reviewing, amending, referring back, controlling or disallowing any act of any Faculty Board and to give directions to any such Board;
(m) to do such other acts and tilings as the Court may authorise.
10. (1) There shall be on each Campus of each University a Standing Committee which shall be composed of the following members:-
CLASS I: The following Ex-Officio Members:-
(a) Vice- Chancellor and Principal, who shall be the Chairman;
(b) Pro Vice-Chancellor;
(c) Registrar;
(d) Finance Director;
(e) University Librarian;
(f) University Medical Officer;
(g) Director of Physical and Plant Services.
(a) Deputy Vice-Chancellor;
(b) Deputy Registrar;
(c) Deputy Finance Director, Senior Assistant Finance Officer;
(d) Deans of Faculties;
(e) Deputy Librarian;
(f) Faculty representatives (one from each faculty);
(g) Campus Medical Officer;
(h) Assistant Estate Officer;
(i) Academic Staff representative;
(j) Administrative Staff representative;
(k) Junior Staff representative;
(1) Student representative;
(m) Two representatives from the locality of the Campus, one of whom shall be a woman, nominated by the locality and approved by the Minister.
(2) The Standing Committee shall have executive authority in those matters which are of a domestic nature, and shall be advisory to the Senate and the Court on all other matters; and shall receive reports and recommendations from the Faculty Boards and from such other committees as may exist within the Campus.
(3) Without prejudice to the generality of subparagraph (2), the Campus Committee shall have the duties and powers set out in paragraph 12 of these Statutes.
11. (1) The Deputy Vice-Chancellor or Dean of Campus sliall-
(a) be Chairman of all campus committees except the Standing Committee of which he shall be Deputy Chairman;
(b) exercise such disciplinary powers in respect of students of the Campus as may be prescribed by the Court.
12. Subject to the Act and these Statutes, the powers and functions of a Standing Committee shall include the following:-
(a) to regulate the arrangements for the accommodation for those students of the University who are in residence on the Campus;
(b) to regulate and control student dormitories, dinning halls and recreational facilities;
(c) to regulate and superintend the discipline of students of the Campus in accordance with the powers delegated by Senate in Rules made under paragraph 9 (h) of these Statutes;
(d) to take such steps as it thinks fit for the supervision of organizations of students;
(e) to establish a joint committee of the Standing Committee and representatives of the student body;
(f) to appoint such junior staff, including non-academic staff, as it thinks fit, to maintain the buildings, grounds and functions of the campus and to enforce such security measures as it thinks proper;
(g) to receive reports from the boards of those faculties which have constituent departments situated in the campus;
(h) to receive reports from any other Committee of the University concerned with matters which may be thought to affect or involve the activities of the Campus;
(i) to consider any matter whatsoever whether referred to it by the Court or Senate or not, which has a bearing on the University or the campus separately or conjointly and to advise the Court or Senate appropriately;
(j) to establish, where necessary, subcommittees to deal with matters within its competence.
13. No act or resolution of the Court, Senate, any Campus Standing Committee, any Faculty Board, Committee or other body constituted in accordance with these Statutes shall be invalid by reason only of any vacancy in the body doing or passing it or by reason of any want of qualification by or invalidity in the election, nomination, co-option or appointment of any de facto member of the body concerned.
14. (1) In the University of Sierra Leone, there shall be the faculties or schools of-
(a) Accounting and Finance
(b) Arts
(c) Business Studies and Management
(d) Basic Medical Sciences
(e) Clinical Sciences
(f) Engineering and Architecture
(g) Pharmaceutical Sciences
(h) Pure and Applied Sciences
(i) Social Sciences and Law
(j) Nursing
(2) In Njala University, there shall be the following faculties or schools of-
(a) Agriculture
(b) Forestry and Silviculture
(c) Education
(d) Environmental Sciences
(e) Community Health
(I) Medical Sciences
(g) Technology
(h) Social Sciences.
(3) There shall also be such other faculties or schools in addition to those mentioned in subparagraphs (1) and (2) as may be determined by the Court of each University and approved by the Tertiary Education Commission, subject to the Act.
15. The determination of departments, and their membership, and the boards of faculties and schools as well as the election of Deans and the administration of faculties and schools shall be as provided in paragraphs 17 to 24 of these Statutes.
16. (1) The Vice-Chancellor and Principal shall by virtue of his office, be a member of every committee appointed by the Court or Senate, unless otherwise explicitly provided.
(2) The Vice-Chancellor and Principal may, unless otherwise precluded by the Act, assign or delegate any of his duties to a committee or to a member of the University staff and may withdraw any such assignment or delegation at any time.
17. (1) The Senate shall prescribe which departments shall belong to each faculty.
(2) Each department shall be regarded for administrative purposes as being a constituent department of one faculty only, but may in relation to other faculties in which such a department has teaching or other responsibilities, be regarded as being associated with such a faculty or faculties.
18. All members of the academic staff of the departments comprising a faculty and all the ex-officio members of the faculty Board of that faculty shall be members of the faculty.
19. (1) Each faculty shall be governed by a board, which shall have the following members:-
(a) the Dean of the faculty;
(b) all professors, associate professors, senior lectures, lecturers, assistant lecturers and other academic staff of equivalent grades in the constituent departments or nominees of the faculty;
(c) heads of departments or nominees of such heads in the associate departments of the faculty;
(d) all professors, associate professors, lecturers and other full-time staff of equivalent grades in associated departments engaged in teaching students within the faculty;
(e) up to two students from amongst the full-time students of the University, studying within the faculty and elected annually by secret ballot of the students in the constituent departments.
(2) The Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Deputy Vice-Chancellors shall be ex-officio members of the boards of faculties.
20. Each board of faculty shall have the following powers and functions:-
(a) to advise the Senate on all matters relating to the organization of teaching and research in the subjects of the faculty, including curricula and examinations;
(b) to approve estimates of departments for submission to the Deputy Finance Director and the Senate;
(c) to consider and report to the Senate on any subject or combination of subjects of study;
(d) to receive annual reports of the Dean, including departmental management information on budgetary inputs into the faculty, approved cost centres, showing achieved outcomes for investments;
(e) subject to the approval of the Senate, either alone or in combination with one or more faculty boards, to constitute such courses of studies as it may deem necessary.
21. Each faculty shall-
(a) appoint a board of examiners of the faculty, which shall consist of all internal and external examiners, appointed by the academic board, with the Dean as chairman, and which shall receive examination results and recommend thereon to the Senate;
(b) submit nominations of external examiners to the Senate.
22. Each faculty shall have power to determine the number of students to be admitted to each of the departments of the faculty and to specify the academic attainment which such students must possess in order to be accepted by the faculty.
23. (1) Each faculty shall have power to-
(a) make recommendations to the academic board for the founding of new, and the abolition of existing lectureships and the abolition of any academic or other posts in the faculty other than those created by the Act and these Statutes:
(b) discuss any matter relating to the faculty and any matter referred to it by the Senate and to convey its views and recommendations thereon to the Senate.
(2) Subject to the Act and these Statutes, each faculty board shall have such other powers and functions as the Senate may authorise or prescribe.
24. (1) The members of each faculty board shall elect one of their number, who is a Professor to be Dean of the Faculty, subject to confirmation by the Senate and the Court.
(2) Where no candidate of that rank exists, an Associate Professor, and if none exists, then persons who have held the position of Senior Lecturer for at least five years together with such other academic experience as may be determined by the Senate and the Court, may be eligible.
(3) Where the faculty board fails to make a nomination, the Court shall appoint the Dean, and while the retiring Dean shall be eligible for re-election he shall normally not be elected more than twice consecutively.
(4) If the office of Dean should become vacant during the normal period of office, the Board of the faculty concerned shall immediately proceed to have a new Dean elected for nomination to hold office for the remainder of the biennial period.
(5) The Dean shall preside at meetings of each faculty, and where he is not present, the meeting shall proceed to elect a Chairman for that meeting.
(6) The Dean of each faculty shall present a report of the business of the faculty board at each meeting of the Senate, and in his absence, a person nominated by the Dean shall present the report.
(7) The Dean of each faculty shall receive such remuneration as the Court may determine.
25. The Registrar shall advise the Vice-Chancellor and Principal on all administrative matters and shall-
(a) provide secretarial services for the Court, Senate, Standing Committees of Campuses, faculty and all other committees of the University;
(b) be responsible, under the direction of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, for the organization of the administrative arrangements of the Campuses; and
(c) as Secretary to the Court and the Senate, be responsible for communicating the decisions of those bodies to all individuals who may be affected by those decisions.
26. (1) The Finance Director shall administer the University funds in accordance with such financial management policy as may be prescribed by the Court.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), it shall be the responsibility of the Finance Director to-
(a) prepare the annual budget and financial reports to be submitted to the Court by the Vice-Chancellor and Principal; and
(b) advise the Vice-Chancellor and Principal on all financial matters.
27. (1) The Auditor-General of Sierra Leone shall audit the accounts of the Universities, in accordance with the laws of Sierra Leone, as contained in section 119 of the Constitution and Part VI of the Public Budgeting and Accounting Act, 1992 (Act No. 1 of 1992), or other appropriate legislation in operation at that time.
(2) A copy of the audit report shall be submitted to the Court and to the Tertiary Education Commission, in addition to the other authorities designated in the laws referred to in paragraph (1).
(3) The Auditor-General shall have a right of access at all reasonable times to the books, records, accounts and vouchers of the University and such other information and explanations as may be necessary for the performance of his duties.
28. (1) The Convocation shall consist of the graduates and the following persons:-
(a) Chancellor
(b) Chief Guest
(c) Pro-Chancellor
(d) Vice-Chancellor and Principal
(e) Pro Vice-Chancellor
(f) Deputy Vice-Chancellors
(g) Members of the academic staff
(h) University Registrar
(i) University Librarian (j) Finance Director
(k) Director of Physical and Plant Services
(1) Graduates of the University
(m) University Medical Officer
(n) such other persons holding appointments in the University as may be invited to membership by the Court.
(2) The graduates referred to in subparagraph (1) of paragraph (1) shall beta) in the case of the University of Sierra Leone, graduates of the former University of Sierra Leone who pursued the whole or part of their university studies in FBC, COMAHS, IPAM or lNSLIBS;
(b) in the case of the Njala University, graduates of the former University of Sierra Leone who pursued the whole or part of their University studies in NUC;
(c) honorary graduates of the University;
(d) honorary graduates of the former University of Sierra Leone.
(3) The Chancellor shall preside at meetings of the Convocation, but in the absence of the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellor shall preside; and in the absence of both the Chancellor and the Pro Chancellor, a Chairman for the time being shall be elected by the meeting from among members of the Convocation who are not officers of the University.
(4) The Convocation shall have the power to make representations to the Court on all matters affecting the well being and prosperity of the University.
(5) The Convocation shall meet once every two years at such time and place as the Chancellor shall determine but may meet more than once at the request in writing of the Chancellor or one third of the membership by notice stating the business to be transacted.
(6) At any meeting of the Convocation, a report on the State of the University, including the audited accounts of the University and the work of the University for the previous financial year or years, as the case may be, shall be presented to the meeting by the Vice-Chancellor and Principal for the information of members.
(7) The financial year of the University shall be the same as the financial year of the Government.
29. (1) For the purpose of conferring degrees on the University and of awarding degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic awards and for other academic purposes, there shall be held under the auspices of the Court, a meeting of the University, which shall be called a Congregation.
(2) A Congregation for the conferment of degrees shall be held at least once every year at such time and place as shall be decided by the Court; and the degrees and other academic awards shall be presented by the person presiding.
(3) A Congregation shall include the Minister and shall be presided over by the Chancellor or in the absence of the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor and Principal shall preside; in the absence of the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, the Pro Vice-Chancellor shall preside and in the absence of the Pro Vice-Chancellor a Deputy Vice-Chancellor, nominated by the Court, shall preside.
(4) The procedure for summoning a Congregation and for the presentation of graduands for conferring degrees in and for all other matters relating to Congregations shall be determined by the Court.
retirement, etc.. of staff.
30. (1) For what after due investigation the Court shall deem Suspension.
to be "good cause", the Court may-
(a) suspend any senior member of the University and any holder of any other post specified by the Court, from office, and from the receipt of emoluments thereof in whole or in part, for any period, not exceeding one year; after which, the case shall be reviewed;
(b) remove any such person from office by-
(i) termination of contract; or
(ii) dismissal.
(2) Where a contract is to be terminated-
(a) the person concerned shall be given the amount of notice specified in Ms contract and he shall also be entitled to all arrears of
emoluments, the University's contribution to any pension scheme other than the social security scheme and all leave entitlement which will have accrued to him at the date on which he ceases to be employed by the University; and
(b) in the case of dismissal, which may be summary, no notice shall be given and the person concerned ceases to be employed by the University from the date of the dismissal.
(3) No person shall be suspended or removed by the Court, during the period of the contract, in the exercise of powers conferred by these Statutes, unless he has been given a reasonable opportunity to defend himself.
(4) A reasonable opportunity to defend oneself means that the laws of natural justice shall be observed and the person concerned shall be entitled to be legally represented, to call witnesses in his own defence and to cross-examine any adverse witness and to adduce such evidence as he deems necessary for his defence; and if the decision of the Court is to suspend or remove him. he may appeal to the Chancellor who, after examining the evidence, may request the Court to constitute a new panel to review the case.
(5) Where the Court takes proceedings against any senior member of staff in terms of this paragraph, the Court and the senior member of staff concerned may require members of staff to give evidence or produce documents and may conduct such inquiries as they may severally deem necessary.
(6) For the purpose of this paragraph, ' good cause'
(a) conviction of any crime or offence which the Court shall deem to be such as to render the person concerned unfit to continue to hold his office;
(b) conduct, which the Court shall deem to be such as to constitute failure or inability of the person concerned to perfomm the duties or to comply with the conditions of tenure of his office;
(c) physical or mental incapacity which the Court shall deem to be such as to render the person concerned unfit for the execution of the duties of his office.
(7) Subject to the terms of his contract, no person who is a senior member of staff of the University or holder of any other post specified by the Court for the purposes of subparagraph (1) shall be removed from office in the University, except upon the ground specified in subparagraph (6).
(8) Each senior member of staff or holder of any post specified in these Statutes, shall be required to retire from the thirtieth day of September following the date on which he attains the age of sixty-five years, unless the Court decides otherwise.
31. (1) Subject to the Act and these Statutes, the Vice-Chancellor and Principal may, for good cause as defined in the Rules made under this paragraph, exclude any student from any part of the University or its precincts, and may suspend any student from any class or classes, but such exclusion or suspension shall be reported by the Vice-Chancellor and Principal to the Senate at its next meeting.
(2) Without prejudice to the power of the Vice- Chancellor and Principal to exclude or suspend students under subparagraph (1), the procedures governing the exclusion suspension, expulsion or other punishment of students by the Senate for infractions of discipline shall be prescribed by Rules, a copy of which shall be deposited with the Tertiary Education Commission:
Provided that punishments may include reprimand, monetary fine and the cost of making good any damage.
(3) The powers of a Senate in regard to all prescribed punishments may be delegated to a committee to be known as the DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE consisting of such number, being not less than seven, of its members to which such limited powers of punishment, as specified by the Rules may be delegated by the Senate to the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, the Pro Vice- Chancellor, the Campus Standing Committees, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, the Deans of Faculties, the Campus or College Librarians and the Wardens of the Halls of Residence.
(4) The procedure for reporting any exclusion, suspension or expulsion of a student by the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, or in the exercise of any delegated powers, to the next meeting of the Senate shall be prescribed by the Rules, and the procedure for reporting to the Vice-Chancellor and Principal any punishment imposed in the exercise of delegated powers of limited punishment shall be prescribed by Rules.
(5) The procedure governing the right of a student to defend himself in the exercise of any of the disciplinary powers as defined in subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this paragraph, shall be consistent with the laws of natural justice; and a student shall be entitled to be
represented, to call witnesses in his own defence, to cross-examine adverse witnesses and to adduce such evidence as he may deem necessary for his defence; and if the decision is that he is to be expelled, suspended or otherwise punished, he may appeal to the Court, which shall set up a Committee to examine the evidence, and if that Committee so advises, the Court may reverse the original decision or conduct further inquiries or confirm the original decision.
Passed in Parliament this 1st day of December, in the year of our Lord two thousand and four.
Clerk of Parliament.
This Printed Impression has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed Parliament and found by me to be a true and correct printed copy of the said Bill.
Clerk of Parliament.