West Africa Health Examination Board Act, 1986
Signed tins 15 th day of April, 1986.
The West Africa Health Examination Board Act, 1986
Beiag an Act to ratify and give effect in Sierra Leone to a Constitu-tion establishing the West Africa Health Examination Board
[1st January, 1982.]
Whereas a Constitution (in this Act referred to as "the Constitution" was adopted and agreed in Freetown Sierra Leone, on the 13th day of March, 1981 establishing and regulating the functions of the West Africa Health Examination Board;
And whereas she Republic of Sierra Leone was among the countries which so adopted and agreed the Constitution and is represented on the Board;
And whereas under sections 21 and 98 of the Constitution of Sierra Leone, 1978 (Act No. 12 of 1978) the Constitution is required to be ratified by Parliament;
Now therefore, be it enacted by the President and the Members of Parliament in this present Parliament assembled, as follows—
1. This Act shall be deemed to have come into force on the lit day of January, 1982.
2. In this Act—
"Board" means the West Africa Health Examination Board;
"Constitution" means the Constitution of the West Africa Health Examination Board adopted and agreed in Freetown on the 13th day of March, 1981.
3. The Constitution establishing the West Africa Health Examination Board adopted and agreed in Freetown on the 13th day of March, 1981 as set out in the Schedule to this Act is hereby ratified.
4. (1) The provisions of the Constitution shall have the force of law in Sierra Leone notwithstanding anything to the contrary.
(2) Without prejudice to the general effect of subsection (1) of this section, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary, all rights, powers and obligations purported to be conferred or imposed by the provisions of the Constitution are hereby declared to be valid in law.
5. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Minister responsible for Health or any other person authorised by the Minister may, on behalf of the Government of Sierra Leone do any act which may require to be done for the purpose of giving fall effect to the provisions of the Constitution.
6. (1) The President may, by public notice, upon request in writing made by the Board, make further provision as may be necessary for giving full effect in Sierra Leone to the provisions of the Constitution.
(2) A public notice made under subsection (1) of this section shall have effect notwithstanding any law to the contrary and mav, where necessary, modify or amend the provisions of any enactment.
7. (I) Where a candidate for any examination conducted under the Constitution—
(a) is found before or during the examination to have had foreknowledge of live questions or the
contents of live question papers whether or not such foreknowledge is in respect of one or more live questions or live question papers, or
(b) in any manner unauthorised makes use of live questions or live question papers;
that candidate shall not take or be allowed to take or continue the examination; and in addition, he shall be prohibited from taking any examination held or conducted by or on behalf of the Board for a period of two years immediately following upon such contravention; and if the candidate has already taken any papers at the examination his results from these papers shall be cancelled.
(2) The penalties contained in this section may be imposed together with any other penalty that may be imposed by the Court.
8. (1) Any person engaged in setting, moderating, revising, vetting, printing or in the collection, storage, distribution or custody of live question papers or instructions or in making drafts or copies thereof or engaged as a supervisor, invigilator, attendant or otherwise howsoever who, before or during the period of an examination, knowingly or recklessly and without being lawfully authorised so to do, discloses the contents of any live question paper or instructions or any draft or copy thereof to any person (whether a candidate for that examination or not) shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on summary conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding two thousand leones or to imprisonment not exceeding two years or to both.
(2) Any person (whether a candidate at an examination or not) who knowingly makes use of the contents of any live question paper or instructions or of any draft or copy thereof in any manner howsoever, and without being lawfully authorised so to do, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding two thousand leones or to imprisonmnent not exceeding two years or to both.
9. (1) Any person who, for the purpose of an examination conducted under the Constitution—
(a) falsely represents himself to be some other person or knowingly allows himself to be so falsely represented, or
(b) utters any document which has been issued by the Board or by any other lawful authority to another person and whereby that other person is certified to be a person possessed of any qualification recognised for any purpose or to be entitled to any right or privilege and
falsely represents himself to be the person named in the document or knowingly allows another person to so falsely represent himself as the person named in the document,
shall be guilty, of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding two thousand leones or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding three years or to both.
(2) Where an offence is committed by a child or young person under this Act, the provisions of any law relating to children and young persons shall apply; and in addition, where the child or young person has taken the examination, his results from the examination shall be cancelled.
(3) For the purposes of this action—
"child" means a person under the age of fourteen years; and
"young person" means a person who has attained the age of fourteen but is under the age of seventeen years.
10. (1) Whether or not prosecution is brought under section 7 or 8 of this Act the Board may, within sixty days after the conclusion of an examination conducted under the Constitution in any case where information has reached the Board subsequent to that examination that a candidate at that examination had access to or used live questions or live question papers without lawful authority so to do, constitute a committee to investigate the matter.
(2) Every Committee set up under subsection (1) of this section shall consist of—
(a) a Chairman who shall be a legal practitioner of not less than seven years standing, and
(b) two other persons each of whom shall be a person with experience in public health matters.
(3) The Committee shall, at the conclusion of its investigation, make a report to the Examiners Committee of the Board containing such recommendations as to which of the penalties set out in section 8 or 9 of this Act should be imposed by the Board or otherwise and subject to the approval of the Board, the Examiners Committee shall take such action thereon including the cancellation of the examination results in respect of any certificate to which subsection (1) of this section applies it thinks appropriate in the circumstances.
1. For the purposes of holding such examination in West Africa as may be necessary in the Public Health interest there shall, subject to the provisions of the Constitution, be continued in existence under the name, West Africa Health Examination Board the body, which before the commencement of this Constitution was known as the Royal Society of Health Examination Board
2. This Constitution may be cited as the West Africa Health Examination Board Constitution.
In this Constitution, unless the context otherwise requires—
"Board" means the West Africa Health Examination Board a continued in existence by section (1) of this Constitution.
"National Committee" means a Committee established under section (13) of this Constitution.
"West Africa" means the Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone; and any other country by which this Constitution may be adopted collectively.
"Chief Executive" means the Secretary/Registrar appointed by the Board.
3. (i) Subject to the provisions of this section the Board shall
consist of the following members:—
(a) Eleven members nominated by the Government of Nigeria.
(b) Four members nominated by the Government of Ghana.
(c) Three members nominated by the Government of Sierra Leone.
(d) Two members nominated by the Government of the Gambia.
(e) Two members nominated by the Government of Liberia.
(f) Chairman and Secretary of each National Committee of member countries should be nominated as members of the Board.
(g) Two Public Health Inspectors and a Public Health Nurse representing the interest of Professional National Association of each member Country.
(ii) The Board shall have a Chairman who shall:—
(a) be either the Director of Public Health Services, Nigeria or the Director of Medical Services in the Gambia, Ghana, Sierra Leone or Liberia as elected by the Board.
(b) if he is a person elected from among the members of the Board, cease to hold office as Chairman upon his ceasing to be such a member.
(c) be eligible for re-election.
(iii) Notwithstanding anything in this section the Board may by resolution increase its membership by adding not more than two members to represent each country admitted to membership after the commencement of this Constitution.
(iv) A member nominated under subsection (1) of this section shall retain his membership of the Board during the pleasure of the authority nominating him and the termination of such membership shall take effect as soon as notice of such termination is received by the Board from the said authority.
(v) A member elected by a National Committee shall retain his membership of the Board for a period not exceeding four years from the date of his election, but without prejudice to the right of National Committee to elect a retiring member for a further such period, so, however, that where such member was elected to the Board by virtue of some office or his representation of a particular interest, he shall cease to be a member of the Board upon his ceasing to hold the said office or to represent the said interest.
(v) Any member of the Board who has been appointed as the person for the time being holding a particular office shall be entitled to nominate from amongst his immediate subordinates in office, by written notice to the Board, a temporary member to attend any particular meetings of the Board in his place and every such temporary member shall have all the powers and authority of the member whom he has replaced until such member notifies the Board that he proposes to resume his attendance at meetings of the Board or until the term of office of such member shall have terminated, whichever shall occur first.
(vii) If any member of the Board who has been appointed by name is incapacitated by illness, absence from West Africa or other sufficient cause from performing the duties of his office until the member's incapacity shall have ended or until the term of office of the member shall have terminated, whichever event shall first occur, in the same manner as and in accordance with the same procedure under which the incapacitated member was appointed and every such temporary member shall have during his tenure of office all the powers and authority of the incapacitated member.
(viii) The Board may appoint from among its members a Vice-Chairman to act as Chairman during any period when the Chairman is incapacitated by illness, absence from West Africa or sufficient cause from performing his duties and at other times to exercise such powers as the Chairman may delegate to him.
4. 1. The Board shall continue to be a body corporate having perpetual succession and common seal by its corporate name.
2. The Board shall have powers to regulate the use of the Common Seal by its members and by the officers of the Board.
(/) The Board may—
(a) enter into contracts and do all things necessary for or incidental to, the purposes of the Constitution.
(b) acquire and hold moveable property;
(c) borrow at interest, on the security of any corporate land or funds of the Board such moneys as the Board may from time to time think necessary or expedient for carrying into effect the provisions of this Constitution.
(d) from time to time invest the funds of the Board in such manner and to such extent as the Board may think necessary or expedient;
(e) appoint a Secretary/Registrar to the Board and delegate to him all or any part of the duties imposed upon by the provisions of sub-paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii) of paragraph (b) and by the provisions of paragraph (d), of section 6 of this
Constitution which relate to the holding of examinations and the appointment of employees of the Board respectively; Provided that nothing in this subsection shall authorise the delegation to the Secretary/Registrar of the power of appointment of an employee whose annual salary exceeds the maximum salary of a Junior Officer or such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine or if the appointment contains provisions for increases in salary who may receive a maximum annual salary thereunder exceeding the maximum salary of a Junior Officer or such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine.
(ii) The Board may from time to time appoint from among the members thereof such Committees (hereinafter referred to as "Committees of the Board") as the Board shall think fit, and the Board shall specify the duties and powers of any committee appointed under the provisions of this section.
(iii) The Board shall appoint from among its members an Administrative and Finance Committee to which it may delegate power to act between meetings of the Board in any matter within the Board's competence.
(iv) The Administrative and Finance Committee may appoint a national sub-committee in each of the countries in which the Board is established and may delegate to any such sub-committee such power as it thinks fit in regard to administrative and financial matters affecting only the Country in which such subcommittee is established.
(va) Each member country has one vote.
(vb) Every question which comes before any such com-mittee of the Board shall be decided by a simple majority of the votes of the member countries present, and in so far as the procedure of meeting of such Committee is not prescribed by this Constitution or by the Board, the Committee may regulate its own procedure.
(vi) The Board may at any time appoint any person to assist in the deliberations of the Board but no such person shall be, or be deemed to be a member of the Board.
6. It shall be the duty of the Board:
(a) to review and consider annually the examinations to be held in West Africa for the purpose of furthering Public Health interest in West Africa.
(b) (i) to conduct such examination as the Board may
think appropriate to the purposes of this Constitution and to award certificates and diplomas on the results of the examinations so conducted;
(ii) to consider the advisability of inviting, and if thought fit, to invite any qther examining body to conduct examinations in West Africa and award certificates and diplomas on the results of such examinations, to advise any body, so invited on such adaptation of their examinations as the Board may think necessary for the purposes of this Constitution and generally to assist any body so invited in the conduct of such examinations in West Africa, so, however, that no examination shall be conducted in West Africa having a lower standard than any examination of equal status conducted under the other provisions of this Constitution.
(iii) if invited by the Government of any country in West Africa or of any Administrative Division in any member country to arrange for the examination of persons for the purpose of appointment to or promotion in the Health Service to conduct such examination;
(a) to receive from any National Committee or Committees established under section 5 of this Constitution reports and recommendations on an) matters relevant to the purposes of this Constitution and to consider such reports and recom mendations AND
(b) subject to the provisions of this Law to appoint and to fix salaries and terms of appointment of employees (including the Secretary of the Board) whom the Board may think fit to employ.
7. 1. The Board shall ordinarily meet for the despatch of business at such time and place as the Board may from time to time appoint and at least one meeting shall be held in each year.
2. The Chairman may, and shall on the request in writing of two member countries of the Board, call a special meeting of the Board at such time and place as he may appoint.
3. No meeting shall be convened at less than twenty-eight days notice.
4. At every meeting of the Board the Chairman, if present shall preside, and in his absence, the Vice-Chairman shall preside and in the absence of both the Chairman and Vice-Chairman the Board shall elect one of the members present to preside.
5. Every question which comes before the Board at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of the votes of the member countries present.
6. Twelve members including at least one member each from three of the member countries shall form a quorum at any meeting.
7. The Chairman shall have a casting vote when necessary.
8. Minutes of the proceedings of every meeting of the Board shall be entered in a book to be kept for that purpose and minutes of proceedings shall, after approval, be signed at the next ensuing meeting by the Chairman thereof.
9. 1. The Board may from time to time make standing orders
not inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution to ensure due notice being given to members of the meetings of the Board or any Committee of the Board and to regulate the proceedings of any such meetings.
2. The Standing Orders for the time being in force shall be followed and observed by the Board, a National Committee and any committee of the Board respectively.
10. 1. The budget shall be subscribed by member countries in the following ratio:—
10. 2. The funds of the Board shall include:—
(a) all moneys raised for the general purposes of the Board;
(b) all money accruing to the Board either by way of grant-in-aid, endowment, donation or otherwise;
(c) all charges, dues or fees received by the Board;
(d) all interest on moneys invested by the Board.
10. 3. The funds of the Board shall be applied by the Board to the accomplishment of the purposes of this Constitution.
11. All sums of money received on account of the Board may be paid into such bank as may be approved by the Board for the credit of the Board's general current or deposit account.
12. I. The Chief Executive of the Board shall keep proper
books of accounts and proper records in relation thereto and such accounts shall be in such form as the Board may approve.
2. The Chief Executive of the Board shall cause to be prepared, Audited Account submitted to the Board not later than 31st day of December in each year.
(a) a statement in such form as the Board may approve, showing in detail the profit or loss of the Board for the year ending on the 31st of December, immediately proceeding;
(b) a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Board as they stood on the 31st day of December immediately proceeding which shall be in such form as the Board may approve.
3. The accounts of the Board shall be audited by an Auditor appointed by the Board.
1. A National Committee of the Board shall be established by each of the following member countries that
(a) The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone, and
(b) any other country in West Africa (not being an associate country) as may accede to this Constitution or any other constitution pertaining to the
Board; and each National Committee shall be composed of such persons or holders of certain office as the Board shall think fit.
14. 1. It shall be the duty of every National Committee
(a) to exercise such powers as the Board may from time to time delegate to it;
(b) to advise the Board on any matter on which advice may be sought; and
(c) The National Committee shall advise the Government of each member state on Public Health matters.
2. A National Committee may make a report on recommendations to the Board on any matter relevant to the provisions of this Constitution.
3. A National Committee may from time to time appoint a sub-committee. The National Committee shall specify the duties of such sub-committee.
15. 1. The Board shall have power to admit an Associate
Country other than those mentioned in section 36 of this Constitution which wishes to be associated to a limited extent with the work of the Board.
2. The power to admit an Associate country shall be exercised by a resolution of the Board passed by a simple majority of members present at an annual general meeting of the Board but only after application for admission has been received from the country concerned in such manner as the Board may approve.
16. 1. Every Associate Country shall have the right to appoint
as many delegates as the Board may by resolution pass at a general meeting determine to attend any of the following meetings:—
(a) annual general meeting of the Board:—
(b) any meetings of the following:—
(i) all Board Committees except the appointments Committee;
(ii) all working parties engaged on revision, of an examination syllabus;
(in) unless the Secretary/Registrar directs otherwise, all National sub-committees of the Board (except the Appointments Committees) of member countries.
2. An Associate Country shall be served with copies of the minutes and all other relevant documents of the proceedings of any meeting of every Committee except the Appointment Committee.
3. The privileges of an Associate Country shall include:—
(a) The use at cost of the research and development facilities at the disposal of the Board as the Secretary thereof may with the approval of the Board recommend;
(b). The use of the examination facilities of the Board subject to the direction of the Secretary.
17. Every Associate Country shall bear the whole cost of sending its delegates to and maintaining them at meetings of the Board or any committee thereof.
18. Delegates of an Associate Country shall not vote at any meeting of either the Board or any committee thereof which .they are under this Constitution entitled ta attend.
19. Any rights or privileges conferred upon an Associate Country by virtue of its association with the Board under this Constitution shall cease—
(a) upon notice being served on the Board by the Associate Country that it no longer wishes to be so associated with the Board; OR
(b) upon notice being served on the Associate Country by the Board that its Association with the Board has been terminated, so, however, that the Board shall not serve such notice unless it is satisfied that the Associate Country is no longer able to discharge the obligations of its membership of the Board or that in continued association with the Board shall not be in the best interest of the Board.
20. I. For the purpose of providing offices and premises necessary for the performance of its functions, the Board may—
(a) purchase or take or lease any land, and
(b) build, equip and maintain offices and premises.
2. The Boa • may sell or lease any land, offices or premises held by it and no longer required for the performance of its functions.
21. 1. Whenever that is any hinderance to the acquisition by the Board of any land in any member country required for any purpose of the Board under this Constitution (including any failure by the Board to reach agreement as to the amount to be paid in respect of the acquisition), the Government of such member country concerned, on the application of the Board and after such enquiry as the Government may think fit, may declare that the land is required for the service of the Board.
2. Where a declaration is made under subsection (1) above the land to which the declaration relates shall be deemed to be land required for a public purpose of the Board within the meaning of the Public Lands Acquisition Law of the Country concerned.
22. The Board may prescribe the fees chargeable to entrants to, and regulates the conduct of, any examinations conducted under the provisions of paragraph (b) of section 6 of this Constitution including but without prejudice to, the generality of the foregoing—
(a) the persons or categories of persons who may enter for such examination;
(b) the conduct or entrants during such examination.
23. 1. There shall be a Secretary/Registrar to the Board to be
appointed by the Board to manage the affairs of the Board under its direction.
2. The Board may appoint such other persons to be officers and servants of the Board as the Board may determine to assist the Secretary/Registrar in the exercise of his functions.
3. The remuneration and tenure of office and conditions of service of the Secretary/Registrar and other officers and servants of the Board shall be determined by the Board.
24. 1. Every employee of the Board whose salary is not less
than the prescribed salary, if his appointment contains provisions for increase salary, who may receive a
maximum annual salary thereunder exceeding the prescribed salary shall be subject to the authority of the Board.
2. Before dismissing any employee to whom subsection (1) above relates, the Board shall institute such inquiry as it shall deem fit.
3. Any employee aforesaid who is dismissed by any committee to which power of dismissal shall have been delegated in accordance with the section, shall have the right of appeal to the Board.
4. Every other employee of the Board, other than an employee to whom subsection (1) above relates shall be subject to the authority of the Secretary/Registrar so however that no pensionable member of the staff of the Board shall be dismissed by the Secretary/ Registrar without the approval of the Board.
1. If a candidate for an examination—
(a) is found before or during the examination to have had foreknowledge of live questions or the contents of live question papers (whether or not such foreknowledge is in respect of one or more live questions or live question papers) OR
(b) in any manner unauthorised make use of live questions or live question papers, such candidate shall not take or be allowed to take or continue the examination; in addition, he shall be prohibited from taking any examination held or conducted by or on behalf of the Board for a period of two years immediately following upon such contravention and if a candidate aforesaid has already taken any papers at the examination, his results therefrom shall be cancelled.
26. 1. Any person engaged in setting, moderating, revising, vetting, printing or in the collection, storage, distribution or custody of live question papers or instructions, or in making drafts or copies thereof or engaged as a supervisor, invigilator, attendant or otherwise howsoever who, before or during the period of the examination knowingly or recklessly and without being lawfully authorised so to do, discloses the contents of any draft or copy thereof to any person (whether a candidate
for that examination or not) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be dealt with according to the Law of the country concerned.
2. Any person (whether a candidate at an examination or not) who knowingly makes use of the contents of any live question paper or instructions or of any draft or copy thereof in any manner howsoever, and without being lawfully authorised so to do, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be dealt with according to the Law of the country concerned.
27. Any person who, for the purpose of an examination conducted pursuant to this Constitution.
(a) falsely represents himself to be some other person; or
(b) alters any documents which has been issued by the Board or by any other Lawful authority to another person, and whereby that other person is certified to be a person possessed of any qualification recognised for any purpose or to be entitled to any right or privilege, and falsely represents himself to be the person named in the document, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be dealt with according to the law of the country concerned.
28. 1. Whether or not a prosecution is brought under section 27, the Board may within 60 days after the conclusion of an examination in any case where information reached the Board subsequent to that examination that a candidate at that examination had access to or used live questions or question papers without lawful authority so to do, constitute a committee to investigate the matter.
2. Every committee set up in pursuance of subsection (I) above shall consist of—
(a) A Chairman who shall be a legal practitioner of not less than seven years standing and
(b) Two other persons, each being a person with wide experience in Public Health Matters.
3. The Committee shall at the conclusion of its investigation make report to the Examiners Committee of the Board containing such recommendations as to which of the penalties set out in section 27 above and to be imposed by the Board or otherwise and subject to the
approval of the Board the Examiners Committee shall take such action thereon (including the cancellation of examination results in respect of, or any certificate to whom subsection (1) above applies) as it thinks appropriate in the circumstances.
1. The Board may make regulations generally for its purposes under this Constitution and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, regulations may provide
(a) The person or categories of persons who may enter for examination held or conducted by the
(b) The conduct of entrants during such examination.
2. Where regulations are made pursuant to subsection (1) above, it shall not be necessary for their validity to cause them to be published in Gazette but the Board shaH bring them to the notice of such interested persons (including the officers and servants of the Board) in such manner as the Board may, from time to time determine.
1. The fixing of the Seal of the Board shall be made in such manner as may be prescribed by regulations made for that purpose by the Board.
2. The Board may by these regulations delegate the powers to use the Seal to such members and officers of the Board as it may see lit.
31. Any contract or instrument which, if made or executed by a person not being a body corporate, would not be required to be under seal may be made or executed on behalf of the Board by any person specially or generally authorised to act for that purpose by the Board.
32. Any document purporting to be a document duly executed under the seal of the Board shall be received in evidence and shall, unless the contrary is proved, be presumed to be so executed.
33. The validity of the proceeding of the Board or of its committees shall not be affected:
(a) by any vacancy in the membership of the Board or any such committee or
(h) by any defect in the appointment of any such member.
34. Any member of the Board or any committee thereof who has a personal interest in any contract or arrangement entered into or proposed to be considered by the Board or any committee and shall forthwith disclose his interest to the Board or the Committee and shall not vote on any question relating to the contract or arrangement.
J5. In case of dissolution of the Board, all the assets and liabilities shall be shared in the ratio of contribution by member countries as specified under 10.1.
36. 1. Any notice of amendment shall be forwarded to the Secretary/Registrar not later than two months before the meeting in which the amendment should be con-considered.
2. The Secretary/Registrar shall circulate the notice of amendment to all member countries at least one month before the annual Board meeting in which the amendment shall be considered.
3. Such amendment shall be approved by a 2/3 majority of member countries present at such Board meeting.
SCHEDULE 1 The Board shall be composed as follows:— NIGERIA
(i) The behaviour of Public Health Services
(ii) The Chief Health Superintendent, Federal Ministry of Health (iii) 4 representatives of all Schools of Hygiene/Health Technology (iv) A representative of the University (v) l Chief Health Officer from any of the States (vi) 1 Public Health Nurse (vii) 1 Public Health Superintendent Tutor
(viii) The Course Co-ordinator, Public Health Superintendent Tutor.
(i) The Director of Medical Services
(ii) The Principal, School of Public Health, Banjul, The Gambia.
(i) The Director of Medical Services or Deputy Director of Medical Services in Charge of Public Health
(ii) Head of Civil Engineering Department, University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana.
(iii) Principal Assistant Secretary i/c Training in the Ministry of Health
(jiv) Chief Health Superintendent in the Ministry of Health.
(i) The Chief Medical Officer or his Deputy
(ii) Principal Medical Officer
(iii) Principal, School of Hygiene, Freetown.
Two Members.
Passed in Parliament this 8th day of April, in the year of our Lord pne thousand nine hundred and eighty-six.
H. M. JAMES, Clerk of Parliament
This Printed Impression has been carefully compared by me with the Bill which has passed Parliament and found by me to be a true and correctly
printed copy of the said Bill.
H. M JAMES, Clerk of Parliament