Thunderball Ltd v The Attorney General Minister of Justice (FTCC 078/12) [2018] SLHC 1273 (29 November 2018);
- By an amended writ of sum mon s dated the 9: h day of February. 2015. the Plaintiff claimed against the De fendants her-ein. th e Attor ney - Gen eral and Minister of Justice the Mrnrster of Mines and Miner al Resour ces. and the Director of Mines seeking the foll owing r elief
- The Plaintiff filed a writ of summons dated 2151 day of Novem ber . 2012 against the Defendants listed in the said writ of summons claiming several r elief .
3 By the order of Solomon JA (as she then was). dated 41h February 2013. the Plaintiff amended the said writ of summons to include BAROMA LIMITED as fifth Defendant .
6 On the 151 day of February. 2013. an interim injunction was granted
restr?ining the 51
Defendant whether by itself. its servants. agents. privies.
patrons or assigns or anyone acting under its instructions from entering into or upon all that piece or parcel of land situate. lying and being at Fiama Kamara. Gbense and Tankoro Chiefdoms Kono District measuring approximately 67.0 sq. km. the subject - matter of the action herein.
- On the said 151h February. 2013. the firm of Basma and Macau ley entered appearance for the 5th Defendant herein. Appearance had already been enter ed for th e 1s t . 2_ nd 3rdand 4t h Defendants on the 301h N ovember. 2013.
- An application for Inte r locutor y injunction was filed by Notice of Motion dated
11t h Februar y. 2013 which was granted by Solomon JA (as she then was) on the
]th day of June. 2013.
- The Solicitors for the 5t h Defendant by a Not ice of Motion dated the 20111 day of June. 2013 sought leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal against the Ruling dated 7t h June. 2013. and a stay of proceedings pendrng the determination of the Appeal. This appeal was not heard untilit was over taken by events
8 By a No ti ce of Di scon tinuanc e dated 17t h day of December 2014 the Plainti ff vVnvay .. ., ,..J Hl,"'ued tl-ie ustion ,g...,11-.,-t t -- 5 r'J::,;":ln,...j n ;1 :=-s d an : to an order of-Sammon JA {-as-she then washJ2t-2d_:9· un.: :21;1 c .
eL,.\iNIIFF'S Clf\lM
- Th authority to sue the Governmei"t of Sierra Leorie by virtue of s ctron 3 of the state proceedi'lgs /\ct 2000 v1as con"':Jlied 1,1.;i h Ji the S0l1c1 to :- for the_ Plaintiff. Sengepoh S. Tnomas Esq. tJy lette'"" to the Attor11ey - G21eral J'ld Minister of Justice dated 16:h August. 2012 This v1as not contravened by Counsel for the 1,1 and 2 Defendants
i The Plaintiff. a company duly regis ter· ed under the Laws of Sier ra Leone in 2009 applied to and recei ved fro m the 4t" Defendant an exploratio,'l licence pursuant to the Mires ancl Minerals Act. 1994 rn for-ce at the time. ../.'
ii. Pursuant to the terms contained in the expl oration li cence. land situate lying and being at Faiama Kam ar a Chiefdom Gbense and Tankoro Chief doms. Kono District in the Eastern Province of the Repub l ic of Sierra Leone measuring up to 67 10 sq km was 1dent1fied and obtained for the said exploration process.
111. All prescribed fees were paid and receipts issued by the 3ro Defendant to the Plaintiff and all conditions stated on the said licence were complied with.
- Upon the completion of the exploration phase and acting on the recommendation of the 2nd. 3rd and 4th Defendan ts. sometime in 2011. the Plaintiff applied in writing to the 4th Defendant fo r a large scale Mining li cence to which the said 4th Defendant replied in writing demanding certain documentation.
- The Plaintiff in December. 2011 requested for additional time to obtain the necessary documentation and in the interim requested a renewal of the explor ation licence. which the Plaintiff said he will be willing to forgo upon obtaining lar ge scale Mining licence .
- At the request of the 3rd Defendant. the Pl ain ti ff made a payment of USO
$ 26.840.00 for a renewal of the exploration licence for the period 1st December. 2011 to 30th November. 2012.
- On the 16th December. 2011. the 3rc Defendant acknow ledged the payment of the said $ 26.860.00 and issued a r eceipt to the Plain ti ff r enew ing the exploration licence
- By letter dated 12th J anua r y. 2012 and 26th March. 2012 respectively the Plaintiff was informed by the 3rd Defendant that the exploration licence had been revoked
:x) Se. e:-al efforts bv the Plaintif to resolv e the oroblem were
- ScYnetime in 2012. Bor-arna Cornoanv wrongtL,llV 2·1tBred the said la•;d
- The PL31ntiff nao expendeo aoprox1mateLy uSO $ 7 11Lllor on tiie
projeCi:SOfar. -
I Tf-ie Defendants v"ere not iri the position to admit that the Plaintiff paid the prescribed fees a'ld comol1ed with the conditions stated on the licence
II. Under the Mines and Minerals Act. 2009 the competent author-ity to gr-art exploration Licence v1cis the Mines 2nd Minerals Board created by the said Act and any other process outside the said Board 1.vas a nul l ity.
Ill. ThePlaintiffs licence hadexposed and had not been renewed and so there was no need for it to be revok ed.
- The Plaintiff hadnot complied with the Mines and Miner al s Act. 2009
- The Defendants had no duty to respond to the Plaintiffs letters since the Plaintiff hadfailed to make the proper application under the Mines and Minerals Act. 2009 for the renewal of its exploration l icen ce.
- Paragraphs 24 and 25 of the particulars of claim were embarrassing andshould be struck out.
- That the Plaintiff hadnot establ ished any valid exploration licence or interest for the Court to make a declaration on
- If there was any interest for the Plai nt if f to protect the same is statute barred andthis Court lack jurisdiction to entertain the process.
- It was denied tha t the Plaintiff was entitled to damages.
- Testimony of Witnesses.
First Prosecution Witness - Ramez Hassan. PW 1informed the Court tha t he was the Managing Director of the Plaintiff Company and was aware of the transaction between his Company and the Government of Sierra Leone . He recalled making and signing a statement which he tendered as Exhib it A. He further testified as fol low s:-
1. He referred to his letter of application for large - scale mining licence dateds1t December. 2011. PWl al ready had an exploration licen ce.
11. PW 1 paid the fee of $26.840 .00 to renew an exploration licence for the period ofs1 t December. 2011 to 30th N ove mber. 2012
1;:. Tne renev1al fee was ac><nowleaged bv tott::1r ciri tP d 16th DecPmber issu9d
by the 3 .Oef odanL _ _ _
.J I ,
1v He was surprised to receive a letter latter f,-om the 3' Defendan,t the r-e:"'ewal licence tho.Joh the :J2vr-;.1cnt \'! 3 S never refunded
-e1I ot{i .:1g
v / n Environment lmoact Assessment 111as ca Tied out a11d a ce; ttficate issJed Paym e11 was m,1d for t1is exercise. _
- PW 1 and other investors had a-l 1 ea dy spent to $7.000 000/00 at the tin,e the licen ce was revoked.
v11. He \Vas not infor m ed of any breach by the Com pany of any terms of the explor ati on l icen ce
v111. Tha t th e Com pany t r ied 2l l 1t coul d to an, ic abl y s ettl e any misun der stan di ng with th e r elevan t aut hor it ie s to no ava il.
x11i ) The Plainti f f addi tionall y r el ied on the wi tn ess sta tem ent and all documents ex hib ite d in the Cour-t bun dle.
- Cross-Examination
u,1de! C,·u:_;:.:. -E:,;ar ;-11r-.2tion b , O _;rnJn I l< Esq. C::unset fo;- the Defendants fYJ(I a:::lro1:U2d ti13t pi :'Jr in hi: 2µplie 2: 1on for r-ei-1cwal of explor·a tion lice11ce: the ori;i:ri2 Uce0u? t1a'.l expired loi twc cLJy ;. rie 2xµlained that th2 delay was becali e th2 Plair.iiff was 2ctiv2ly nr.:got1,Jt1ng for a large-scale mining licence at th,:: li,·11e c:-1d had c:ilrc:ady pJid abo 1t $50.00U/OU a:-,d so there was no need at the I111V.;- iu re!-iew lne explor ation of liu1nce.
xiv) PW i 2drnitted that he was avva:-e cf the role of the Mineral Advisory Board in renevval of the licenses
- ,0.ftcr this cross-examinalion. the Plair1tiff closed their- case The
Defem.lanls never opened their s and only occasionally made an apoez::r,:ince in Court though several notices were sent. This vvas the state of ,6,f!oir·s until the Dir ector· of Mines v;.:is invited to thro w lrght on the- is:,ue.
xvr:) O!···rr l'-1:iy. 2016. lv1r. Peter Sang•..ff a. the Dirt?ctor of Mines infarmed
·· lrv C-our 1 ti1at the Minister of Mines had l.Jeen given professional advice on the matter.
xviii) On th 0. rr ..iL!ly. 2016. the Director inforrnecJ the Court that the firm of
Fornah-Sesay. Cummings and Showers had advised the Minis tr y that
- the r::ivoc:ation of the Plciintiff"s lic<::nce v.;as lawful. The Co ur t w2s
h ow2,'e1· not shovm this opinion.
f ix) On the pn hlovember. 2016. the Plaintiff's Solicitor. Sengepoh S Thon, as Esq. in formed the Court that the Defendan ts Counsel had
:nforrned him th at they had no \-Vi tne sse·s.
- Tile rn2tte;- was further adjourned and notices ser-ved. The Defendants did not appear Jgain. As the Plaintiffs Counsel had informed th e Court U:,1t his col tc.:=ic ue did not intend to c2ll wil1,essGs (\vhich is his right to c:o) l (1r·dereci lh<1t i v:-1tt cn submission -; bf:-l made . The Plaintiff did .3fter I h·.= d \ \.l th c.Ji-a w 1·1 the file for Judgrnent but the Oefe11d3nts did not
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